Alo-Green Technology - Novel Technology for Wastewater Purification and Reuse

India is blessed with 14 major, 55 minor and numerous small rivers. Water supply in India has two principal sources, namely water from rivers and groundwater.

However, many of these rivers are polluted due to the disposal of sewage into these water bodies. There is no sign of river pollution being stopped. It is increasing day by day. There are several sources of water pollution, which deteriorate the river water quality. Industries discharge their liquid waste products into rivers. Our agriculture practice that uses chemical fertilizers and pesticides also contribute to river pollution as rainwater drains these chemicals into the rivers. Domestic wastes that we throw into rivers add to pollution levels. As the population grows, the size of towns and cities also grows.

The state lacks well-knit sewerage network and the lack of sufficient capacity in treatment plants leads to illegal discharge of sewage, thereby contaminating water bodies such as rivers and lakes. With that, the number of domestic wastes that we throw into the river, increases. In most of the towns and cities, the municipal drains carry our wastes to rivers and important rivers like Ganga and Yamuna becoming unfit for use.

Take, for instance, the Ganga, which flows through 11 states of India and provides water to more than 500 million people. Official figures show that each day, approximately 500 million litres of wastewater from industrial sources is dumped into the Ganga. The Yamuna similarly receives 850 million gallons of sewage every day from Delhi alone. A study found that discharge of untreated sewage is the single most important source of pollution of surface and ground water in India. There is a large gap between generation and treatment of domestic wastewater in India. So, there is an urgent need for treating wastewater using modern technology and recover as much usable water as possible.

Why Our Technology

Municipalities around the world especially in India, both urban and rural, face many challenges when dealing with the wastewater created by its population. These include; the processing of wastewater, lack of proper knowledge of the microbial activity, cost of disposal of bio-solids, finding environmentally safe disposal methods, onsite storage capacity and the ability to handle septic waste. “Here comes a novel ALO GREEN TECHNOLOGY an alternative for remediation of polluted rivers, lakes and inlets and the disposal of sludge”. Our technology is different from other technologies presently available in the market. General technologies in STPs includes physical, chemical, and biological processes for removing contaminants from wastewaters. However, the present scenario in India with a primary focus on pollution abatement through laying of sewers and construction of STPs have failed in regard to wastewater treatment, sludge disposal and its management. So ALO GREEN TECHNOLOGY provides solutions for these concerns listed above.

Our Research Team

The goal of our research was to work on wastewater technology which is viable, environmentally safe and which works towards the treatment of wastewaters and the end product is balanced portable water with importance for safe sludge disposal. At our, Company has a team of qualified and motivated experts committed to providing the most cost-effective, high quality and innovative solutions to wastewater management requirements. We carried nearly 8 years of rich experience in research and development on wastewater management and to work on technologies which are a viable cost-effective and promising.

Our Research Activity

This research work was carried since 2011 at CENTRE for PLANT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (CPMB), Osmania University, Hyderabad under the supervision of Prof. and Director Dr. Dashvantha Reddy. We took samples from Hussain Sagar lakes, Noor Md. Kunta Lake, Kukatpally Nala, and studied on the various parameter such as pH, BOD, COD, fecal E.coli bacteria counts and various other physical, a chemical and biological parameter in regard to the water quality, sludge and how to make it into balanced water for secondary usage. We have come up with a novel technology wherein with the use of Forerunner and Bioclean we could convert the waste waters into clean balanced waters.


The technology involves stopping of pollutes entering directly into the Rivers and lakes. We would close the polluted wastewater inlets which carry contaminated waters and stop these wastewaters to enter rivers and lakes. These wastewaters will be pumped into the Tubes. Therein Tubes, the wastewater is mixed with our Chemicals that separates solids from the liquid. The Filtered effluent flows through a dual filament polypropylene fabric, keeping solids trapped inside the container. The filtrate is then directed towards the treatment area for further remedying with our novel chemicals. The emerging clean balanced water emerging out from treatment area will now re-enter Rivers and Lakes.

  • Daily flow from the inlets is intercepted and diverted into a settling tank.
  • Thickened sludge is pumped into Tubeunits on a daily basis.
  • The filtrate from Tubeunits is going for secondary treatment before final discharge into River.

  • A result of the Integration of Alo-Green Tube Technology

    Items Capture rate of TubePercentage (%)
    Suspended Solids 99.6
    Phosphorus 98.2
    Nitrogen 86.7
    E.Coli 99.9
    Arsenic 100
    Lead 98.8
    Mercury 99.9
    Other Metals 98.7

    Further, dewatered solids can be disposed of in a landfill or can be land applied for nutrient enhancement. The nutrients can also be secondary composted for soil production, or used for methane production through an anaerobic digester.

    Advantages of Our Technology

    We would like to share some of the advantages of Alo-Green Technology that will be beneficially for the environment -

  • The Nalas can get cleaned without actually diverting Nalas into major water bodies.
  • The advantage is the disposal of sludge without any environmental hazards involved in it.
  • Additionally, the Alo-Green technology is far improvised than the conventional STPs, as the STPs depend on anaerobic digestion of sludge. It is a known fact that a little change in pH will drastically reduce the population of these beneficial anaerobic bacteria.
  • Moreover, the process of cleaning wastewaters through STPs takes around 4 - 5 days. This process is not at all viable for continuous flowing nalas. If the waste content is more, the process of cleaning through STPs is highly impossible. On the other hand, our technology is designed for daily cleaning of running Inlet nalas. This cleaning of Wastewater inlets is a continuous process.
  • In addition to this, Alo-Green technology is the low cost and daily cleaning of the waste waters.
  • Our technology is simple, sustainable and ecological.

  • PROJECT on Kukatpally Nala at I& D, Fathenagar

    Now this novel technology developed by our scientific team was demonstrated on Kukatpally Nala (one of the major threat to Hussain Sagar Lake) on 9th of January 2015, with the permission of HMDA officials. The program was witnessed by Shri. T. Harish Rao, Irrigation and Mining Minister, Shri. Talasani Srinivas Yadav, Shri. Madhavaram Krishna Rao, Shri. Vivek Oberoi, Celebrity and brand Ambassador for Ganga Action Plan and many other delegates. There were a significant reduction in Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total suspended solids (TSS) and various others parameters when compared to the effluent waste waters of Kukatpally Nala.

    We used Fore-Runner and Bioclean for wastewater treatment. The figure below shows theAloGreen chemical is mixed to the effluent sewage wastewater already present intank.

    Once after the initial treatment, the water from Forerunner tank is let out in Bioclean Tank, where further treatment shall be done with Bioclean. Than this treated water shall be left out which is clean, odourless, colourless and void of microbial populations.

    Forerunner Tank

    water technology
    water technology

    Bioclean Tank

    water technology
    water technology

    Sewage sludge refers to the residual, semi-solid material that is produced as a by-product during sewage treatment of industrial or municipal wastewater. The sludge, which is the leftover, is the major cause of pollution and its disposal means is challenging.

    So the second Phase of AloGreen Technology was integrated with TubeTechnology for the disposal and Treatment of Sludge.

    Benefits of AloGreen Technology

  • The levels of BOD, COD and other important parameters like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Fecal coliform bacteria levels reduced.
  • Simple, effective and a complete dewatering solution. Unlike mechanical systems, there are no mechanical or moving parts that can be subject to breakdowns and wear and tear.
  • Able to achieve solids capture in excess of 98%.
  • Able to achieve very high contaminant capture rates.
  • The effluent water is filtered water often of a quality that can be reused or returned for processing or to native waterways without additional treatment.
  • Dramatically reduces odour problems.
  • Operates relatively noise-free, unlike mechanical systems.
  • Does not require start-up and shut down time.
  • Low cost and saves time.
  • What we Offer:

    Turning wastewater into portable balanced waters.

    Safe Sludge Disposal and Its Management